About Us
About Us
Bergen Youth Chamber Orchestra (BUKO) was founded fall of 2001, on the initiative of young musicians. They wanted to create the opportunity for like minded peers in Bergen/Hordaland to play together in a smaller chamber orchestra. Thus, giving the opportunity for each member to grow and evolve both on a individual level, but also interacting with other musicians
Tone M. Birkeland
Our conductor, Tone M. Birkeland, was one of the founders and an important initiator from the very beginning. Whilst also a full time violinist in Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Tone plays an important role in every area of BUKO: Creative director, opportunity hunter and our warm and welcoming social centre

The members of BUKO are aged between 16 to 25 years, and many with a background or connection to Bergen Kulturskole, Langhaugen Videregående, Kongshaug Musikkgymnas, Griegakademiet or other institutions in the Bergen area. Our goal is for musicians to be challenged, and be given the opportunity to develop as both soloists and members of an orchestra. But as we have experienced, BUKO is a comfortable and social arena for young students with the same interests. While working, we have fun, and look forward to meet each other again next time.

Many of our members has after, or during, their time in BUKO started higher education within music, both in Norway and abroad
Our path
Participating in the Neubrandenburger Jugendorchesterfestival in Germany, back in July of 2010, was BUKOs first tour and opportunity for a bigger event and travel outside Norwegian borders. This is now one of the many tours the orchestra has encountered: Helsingfors, Berlin, New York, Krakow and Switzerland to name a few. Invited by the one and only David Stewart, BUKO would have concerts in China during new years 2010/2011. While members have finished, and new has arrived, the spirit of a vibrant and explorative orchestra led by Tone, has never failed to complete many successful tours all over the world.
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra (BFO) is one of our frequent collaborators, resulting in many successful and educational encounters with other conductors and soloists. With violinist Sveinung Lillebjerka, BUKO and BFO would embark into the world of tango music, while touring at the vest coast of Norway. Needless to say, the orchestra has met and engaged in many genres of the musical world. We recommend you to have a look at our portfolio, or media, to listen to some of our work over the years